Mr. Brent Cutts » United States History

United States History

United States History Syllabus

Mr. Cutts


Welcome Aztecs!

“No Excuses”

Course Description:

Students in grade eight study the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution up to World War I, with an emphasis on America's role in the war. After reviewing the development of America's democratic institutions founded on the Judeo-Christian heritage and English parliamentary traditions, particularly the shaping of the Constitution, students trace the development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and relate them to the emergence of major regional differences. They learn about the challenges facing the new nation, with an emphasis on the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War. They make connections between the rise of industrialization and contemporary social and economic conditions.

The California State Board of Education has worked hard with the Academic Standards Commission to develop history-social science standards that reflect California's commitment to history-social science education. These standards emphasize historical narrative, highlight the roles of significant individuals throughout history, and convey the rights and obligations of citizenship.  

Course Objectives:

Meet the goals of California’s history-social science and Common Core state standards

Increase historical analysis skills

Improve reading and writing skills

Cultivate individual and group work habits

Promote personal organization and study skills

Required Materials:

Textbook (In Class)

Binder with lined paper




Grading:                                Weight                        Scale

Homework                              10%                             90-100%          =A

Classwork                               20%                             80-89%            =B

Quizzes                                   20%                             70-79%            =C

Essays/Projects/Tests              50%                             60-69%            =D

Extra Credit                            TBD                            Below 60%     =F

*Students will have opportunities to earn extra credit per Mr. Cutts’ discretion.

Absence Policy:

It is a student’s responsibility to inquire which assignment(s) they missed during their absence. This inquiry is to be done before school, after class, during break or lunch.

Any missed assignments (quizzes, tests, etc.) can be made up during lunch or after school per Mr. Cutts’ approval.

Late Work:  

An absent student may turn in assignments for full credit per Mr. Cutts’ approval.

A non-absent student can turn in an assignment the following day it was due for 80% credit or by the end of a unit of study for 50% credit.

If a student has any missing assignments they will not be eligible for extra credit.

Classroom Rules:   

1. Students will line-up outside of the classroom before the tardy bell rings.

2. Students will immediately sit in their assigned seat upon entering the classroom.

3. Students will not to leave their seat at anytime without permission.

4. Students will place backpacks under their desks and be ready to use required materials.

5. Students will work on an assigned warm-up task during the first 5 minutes of class.

6. Students will raise their hand in order to speak during class.

7. Students will be given permission to discuss group assignments during class. 

8. Students will not pack their belongings before the dismissal bell rings.

9. Students will remain in their seats until they are dismissed by Mr. Cutts.

10. Students will abide by all rules in the Mendota Junior High 2015-16 Student Handbook.

*Mr. Cutts reserves the right to change any rule at any time with or without notice.

Disciplinary Steps:

1. Verbal warning

2. Conference with student

3. Lunch detention

4. Phone call home and/or after school detention

5. Referral to principal

*Mr. Cutts reserves the right to change any disciplinary step at any time with or without notice.

Classroom Expectations:

1. I expect students to embrace the “no excuses” mindset. 

2. I expect students to be respectful and courteous to others at all time.

3. I expect students to not talk about non-classwork or socialize during class.

4. I expect students to be organized and prepared for every class.

5. I expect students to perform and complete all assignments to the best of their abilities.

Guidelines on All Papers:

1. Papers must have name, date, and period at the top right hand corner of the paper.

2. Papers must be turned in without scribbles, inappropriate markings, and ragged edges.

*Failure to comply with guidelines will result in the paper being returned without a grade.

Students please tell me in person if…

1. You are having difficulty understanding the class instruction and/or assignments.

2. You are seated near someone or something that distracts your attention.

3. You are unable to see or hear the teacher’s instruction.

4. You are unable to complete an assignment within the given time.

5. You have any issue that is preventing you from performing to the best of your ability.


Parents please feel free to call or contact me via e-mail: [email protected]

Projected 1st Quarter Curriculum Map
8.1 Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.
  1. Describe the relationship between the moral and political ideas of the Great Awakening and the development of revolutionary fervor.
  2. Analyze the philosophy of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence, with an emphasis on government as a means of securing individual rights (e.g., key phrases such as "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights").
  3. Analyze how the American Revolution affected other nations, especially France.
  4. Describe the nation's blend of civic republicanism, classical liberal principles, and English parliamentary traditions.
8.2 Students analyze the political principles underlying the U.S. Constitution and compare the enumerated and implied powers of the federal government.
  1. Discuss the significance of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the May-flower Compact.
  2. Analyze the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution and the success of each in implementing the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.
  3. Evaluate the major debates that occurred during the development of the Constitution and their ultimate resolutions in such areas as shared power among institutions, divided state-federal power, slavery, the rights of individuals and states (later addressed by the addition of the Bill of Rights), and the status of American Indian nations under the commerce clause.
  4. Describe the political philosophy underpinning the Constitution as specified in the Federalist Papers (authored by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay) and the role of such leaders as Madison, George Washington, Roger Sherman, Gouverneur Morris, and James Wilson in the writing and ratification of the Constitution.
  5. Understand the significance of Jefferson's Statute for Religious Freedom as a forerunner of the First Amendment and the origins, purpose, and differing views of the founding fathers on the issue of the separation of church and state.
  6. Enumerate the powers of government set forth in the Constitution and the fundamental liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights.
  7. Describe the principles of federalism, dual sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, the nature and purpose of majority rule, and the ways in which the American idea of constitutionalism preserves individual rights.