Athletics » Athletic Eligibility

Athletic Eligibility

Students wishing to participate in a sport must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA. The student must also not be on the non-privilege list. Representing Mendota Junior High School as an athlete is a privilege.

Physical Examination:

All athletes who wish to participate in interscholastic athletics must pass a physical examination by a licensed physician or surgeon prior to the first turnout.  The physician's exam form must be on file in the office.  All athletes who have been ill or injured to the extent of needing physician care must have doctor's approval prior to re-entering competition in interscholastic athletic events.

General Conduct:

Student athletes are to abide by all the rules and regulations stated in the Mendota Junior High School Student Handbook.  Frequent, serious, or repeated disciplinary action taken against a participant because of poor conduct at school or at away activities is sufficient cause for corrective action and/or exclusion from the team.  Profanity, in action and/or speech, will not be tolerated.