Academics » Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention


Mendota Unified School District is committed to developing and maintaining effective RTI programs at all school sites. “RTI is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs” (RTI Network, 2014). Mendota Unified School District will focus on implementing both the effective components of RTI and the Three-Tier model for RTI.

Effective Components for RTI*

  • High quality, scientifically based classroom instruction. All students receive high quality, research based instruction in the general education classroom (RTI Network, 2014).
  • Ongoing Student Assessment. Universal screening and progress monitoring provide data to determine proper intervention steps. Student monitoring examines and gauges the effectiveness of the curriculum or intervention. Decisions regarding instructional needs are based on multiple data sources.
  • Tiered Instruction. A multi-tiered approach is used to efficiently differentiate instruction for all students. The multi-tiered model incorporates increasing intensity of instruction offering specific and research based interventions matched to student needs.
  • Parent Communication. Parents are provided information regarding their child’s progress, instruction and interventions being used, the staff delivering those interventions, and the academic and/or behavioral goals for their child.

The Three-Tiered Model for RTI

    • Tier 1 – High Quality Classroom Instruction and Assessment. All students receive high quality, scientifically based instruction provided by qualified personnel to ensure that their difficulties are not due to inadequate instruction. Students are monitored using classroom, district, and state assessments to determine progress and student academic needs. Students demonstrating needs are provided supplemental instruction during the school day in the regular classroom. Teacher monitors students and those not showing adequate progress are moved to Tier 2.
    • Tier 2 – Targeted Intervention. Students not progressing in the regular classroom setting are provided with increasingly intensive instruction matched to their specific needs. These interventions are provided in small group settings in addition to the general instruction. Tier 2 interventions increase in intensity, frequency, and duration.
  • Tier 3 – Intensive Intervention and Comprehensive Evaluation. At this level, students receive individualized, intensive interventions that target a specific deficit. At this level, intervention increases significantly in intensity and frequency and in many cases are offered one to one. Students not progressing in this tier are then referred for a comprehensive evaluation (RTI Network, 2014).